Age: 9
Birthday: March 15, 2015
Sponsorship Needs:
$20 School Supplies
$40 Tuition
$60 Nutrition
$130 Teacher Salary
Leandro is 9 years old and is in second grade. This is his second year at Chispas of Change. His favorite part of Chispas is studying the Bible. He really likes Jesus’ parables. His favorite Bible story is about the wise man and the foolish man. Jesus is the rock and we build our life on him. That way, when Satan comes, nothing will happen to us because our house is built on the rock.
Leandro lives with his mother and younger sisters for four days a week, and with his grandmother for three days a week. He says that he likes to be with his grandmother because she has everything that he needs, and he feels sad when he has to be away from her. After school, Leandro likes to play with his friends Dalila and Javier. He likes to go to church and to watch Toontubers on TV. Leandro’s favorite food is chow mein with ketchup.
When Leandro grows up, he wants to be a preacher. He wants to be with Jesus, not the devil. His goal in life is to be a runner. But if he doesn’t reach that goal, he’s going to look for another goal.
Did you know?
Each of our students has a prayer sponsor!
Would you like to commit to praying for Leandro throughout the year?