Juan Jesús

Age: 12
Birthday: October 10, 2012
Sponsorship Needs:
$20 School Supplies
$40 Tuition
$60 Nutrition
$130 Teacher Salary


Juan Jesús is 12 years old and is in second grade. This is his second year at Chispas of Change. Juan Jesús’ sister, Ilma, is in first grade at Chispas. He likes learning at Chispas and also likes Doña Lily’s food because it is really yummy.

Juan Jesús lives with his dad and his siblings. After school, he does his homework and cleans his house. His favorite food is chicken soup.

When he grows up, Juan Jesús wants to be a carpenter like his dad because he likes all of the things his dad makes out of wood. His goal for this year is to learn and understand more.

Did you know?

Each of our students has a prayer sponsor!
Would you like to commit to praying for Juan Jesús throughout the year?